Future Storm Chasers?

School Safety Shield Blog

Mrs. Amanda Raper, a teacher in South Caroline, contacted Safe Havens, International about having a few of her students ask questions concerning tornado preparednessSafe Havens referred them to Steve Satterly, an expert on tornado preparedness in schools.  Caleb, Alie, Brook and Emily had an idea for a tornado safety product they wanted to vet with him.

Not wanting to let their product idea fall into the wrong hands, the nature of the idea will not be discussed here.  However, Steve was very impressed with not only the depth of knowledge of the students, as exhibited by the nature of their questions, but by their very polite and respectful demeanor.

It is always enjoyable when students show their best sides, and Caleb, Alie, Brook and Emily certainly put their best foot forward today. Steve Satterly and Safe Havens, International, commend Caleb, Alie, Brook, Emily, Mrs. Raper and their parents for developing these young minds into citizens who will make a positive impact on our country with their passion for learning, and their desire for the safety of others.